Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sweet Summertime!

I know I complain about the heat since I'm a snow doggie but there are some things about summer that are terrific.

Take songs about summer, for instance. Who can resist them?

Summer is such a fun season and only lasts such a short time, especially in Canada where I live. It's the time to have fun outdoors, go to festivals, fall in love, take it easy and relax with a book and your favourite drink. We must embrace it.

When I listen to these summer songs, I forget all about the heat and fall in love with summer just like the composers who were inspired by our short, sweet season.

Enjoy our summer, everyone! Winter will be here soon enough. (Hooray!!! OOPS! Sorry! I'm trying to curb my winter enthusiasm. No one else seems to share my winter passion, except for my pal, Rumpy)

Here are three of my favourite summer tunes. Hope you enjoy them, too.

These are some of my favourite summer songs. What are yours?


  1. Oh Dog! I like them summer breezes, but I don't much like summer! woo woo woo!

  2. I love summer heat and all because when it's not summer I'm working hard!

    Great songs!


  3. I love summer songs. Some of my favorites are Beach Boys stuff (SO summery!), Jimmy Buffett music, and I really love "All Summer Long," by Kid Rock.

  4. Thanks for commenting, Rumpster! I'm with you but I thought I'd make the effort and get that summer feeling.

  5. Thanks for dropping by, Joyce. Glad you love the heat. I could live without it. PHEW!

  6. Summer music is the coolest thing about summer, right, Beth? ;) And me of course but then I'm cool all year around.

  7. Love Charlie Parker's Summertime - so evocative of those 'lazy hazy crazy days of summer' :-)

  8. Music and Summer---they just seem to fit!! There are so many songs that make me think of summer almost instantly... *starts singing...Aruba, Jamaica ooooh I want to take you..*

    LOL Cheers, Jenn

  9. My very favourite summer song is by Lighthouse - a Canadian band with a giant hit in 1972 - Sunny Days

    I hope you enjoy it :)

  10. Cool jazz from the Bird...ahhhhh! Thanks!!

  11. My favorite summer songs are usually reggae songs. I used to attend a summer reggae concert each year in cleveland. i miss that.

  12. my kids live in Ontario...three grandchildren too! We love visiting there too!! great to meet you

  13. Love summer music...Alan Jackson comes to mind for me...he also comes to mind in January! lol Nice view of not your fav season.
