Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Feeling unmotivated? Me too!

Ever had one of those days when you can't seem to get going on anything? I get those occasionally. Lack of motivation and procrastination sneak in and before I know it, the day is gone. YAWN!

As a dog, people probably don't think I accomplish much anyhow but I'll have you know that I'm very productive and I'm a deep thinker. I might not say much but I'm taking it all in whether you think so or not.

I read Proust and Balzac. I've even started a book by Stephen Hawking, the brilliant physicist who writes about black holes. Boy, if he wants to see some black holes, he should visit the back yard. I've got some beauties back here. I'm hoping that Tanner will fall into one eventually and be sucked into oblivion. A dog can always hope, can't they?

Anyhow, in an attempt to cope with this lack of motivation, I've turned to the trusty Internet for help as I know I'm not alone in my affliction. Surely someone out there in the virtual world can offer some advice for my plight.

I found a few helpful hints in coping with this condition that I'd love to share with you.

1. Create goals and deadlines to achieve them - Yes, those deadlines can be a powerful motivator. Cathy swears by them she says. She says she needs that adrenalin rush. Looks too exhausting for me.

2. Get some exercise and a change of scenery. Go somewhere out of the routine and see how it changes your perspective. Oh Cathy, how about a wallllk? Huh, huh? I promise I won't dislocate your shoulder yanking you down the street.

3. Carry a notebook for ideas - Geesh! Where am I supposed to carry it? Dogs don't have pockets. Who wrote that dumb idea? Good thing I have a great memory and keep all my ideas intact to write on Cathy's laptop later.

4. Try something different. Take up a new hobby or join a club. I've always wanted to try sky diving or bungee jumping. Kinda hard when I'm here in the backyard though. I never get to go anywhere. *POUTS*
There's always the historical society. They might not like me chewing on all their artifacts and destroying their fragile documents though. I know! The gardening group! I'll help them dig holes for planting their flowers. Only problem will be getting me to stop digging.

5. Get enough sleep and eat properly. I never have trouble with either of those except when Mr. Skunk happens by like he did last week. I didn't sleep a wink after that. PHEW! What a stench!Or if Cathy forgets to feed us when she's engrossed in writing one of those dumb stories she likes to write. I tell you, I'm the real writer in this family but I never get much recognition just cause I'm a dog. It's not fair.

6. Surround yourself with supportive friends. Avoid those negative types who drag you down. Tanner is one of those types. He constantly aggravates me. I'll keep digging that hole and hope he falls into it one of these days.

Why do we put up with those types? I really wish there was that Facebook feature in real life where we could hide or block aggravating dogs/people or better yet, just Delete them out of our lives completely if they were getting us down. Wouldn't it be great? I wish Tanner was on Facebook just so I could delete him off. Mwhahaaha!

Thank goodness for good friends Tyna and Al. There are also my casual buds in the neighbourhood who like to meet for a "sniff the butt" break (equivalent to a coffee break for you humans, don'tcha know?) There are also those annoying ones who like to pick a fight with me. They should know better than to pick a fight with Loup. I'm tough. I've lived on the streets. GRRR! *BEARS TEETH* Don't mess with me!

And I do appreciate my online furry FB pals, Winnie, Jody and Thio (Even if she is a cat, she's OK!) They're always there to encourage or support me. Thanks, guys. And my human friends Caz, Jen, Wendy, Marie-Andrée and Jane are great too. I love having all my women admirers. It's true. I am pretty fantastic after all. *Puffs out chest*

All this advice about motivation has totally exhausted me. I'm off for an afternoon nap. Talk to you all another time. Hope you all have an active and productive day. YAWN! ZZZZZZZZZ!


  1. All great tips, Loup. I was actually thinking today about how much more I seem to accomplish when I have a deadline.. Enjoy your nap. :)

  2. Thanks for commenting, Laura. Wow, another woman admirer. Face it, the girls just love me and I can understand it. I am pretty fantastic after all.
