Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A few of Loup's Pet Peeves

Here are a few of my pet peeves. I could probably think of more but didn't want to be seen as being negative since I am "Happy go lucky, Live in the Moment" Loup and nothing much gets me down.

Loup's Pet Peeves

My red nose harness

Can’t stand the thing. It drives me completely bonkers. I know it means I don’t yank as much but come on peeps, a good yank from Ol Loup makes for an excellent upper body workout and you can surely use that at this flabby time of year, can’t you?


They drive me nuts and are the bane of my existence. Such spoiled, pampered creatures sleeping on beds and getting kisses and cuddles 24/7. Even on Facebook, Gordon Drummond and B.f. Thorneycroft are two cats who love to bug me all the time and you know I never do a thing to deserve it, do I? Don’t answer that.

Blue Jays

They drive me crazy with their shrill squawking and how they swoop down and take food out of my food dish. One of these days I’m going to have some Blue Jay for dinner. It’s only right since they eat my food.


He's always in my face and trying to pick a fight. I can’t help it that I’m so incredibly macho and virile. Come on, Tanner. Face it, ol boy! You just don’t have the winning combination of matinee idol good looks and charm that I’ve got. Girls don’t squeal with delight at you now, do they? I’m Alpha Dog and always will be. Get over it, already, Tan Boy!


Way too hot for this snow dog. I know all you folks out there prefer summer to the cold of winter but not me. I live for winter. It energizes me and I just love snow as all my FB pals know so well. Summer makes my fur look like an old leaking pillow. I lie around like a lump panting my brains out. Even this sad excuse for a pool doesn’t cool me off much. Yep, much prefer winter.

So that's about it for some of my pet peeves. What are yours?


  1. Loup, I'm with you all the way when it comes to summer. Can't bear it (I put it down to my inner wolf!), Sadly, I can't agree about cats. I'm a crazy cat lady, but I tell you what... I'll pretend I don't like cats if you let me spend an hour a week buried in that luscious fur of yours. Deal?

    1. You're welcome to sink into my fur anytime (All the girls like it!) as long as you refrain from looking at or talking about cats while I'm around.

  2. Loup, buddy, ya gotta give the tan man a little break. He's young, he's handsome and he just wants to be da man one day. He lives in yur shadow, the shadow of awesomeness. Show a little love to the brother, Dude.

    1. Give him a break? Why? He never gives me a break and is constantly picking fights. And he's gonna love that you think he's young. He's way older than me. He's 13 years old already! I just turned 4 so I'm still a pup in comparison. He's an OLD guy! Crochety too! Geesh! What a grouch!

    2. Sorry Loup, I had no idea. He is so handsome and young looking and you have such an air of maturity, that I just assumed you were the more, um, experienced dog. So perhaps you are just a pain in his butt? He may be ready for some r&r and here you come full of piss and vinegar and perhaps, I say just perhaps, you get on his last nerve! ♥

  3. Loup.... I definitely don't think cats are so bad... I mean I never do anything mean to you?? and what about Rome-meow?? We certainly don't try to give you grief.. in fact we give you a wide... berth....and if you want some old socks.. feel free to take my families... Alex's are particularly good... large size and all... My two biggest pet peeves are when they don't clean that litter box (like last nite... it took a lot of yelling and complaining to get them to do it...and the second is when they don't get up to feed me... I mean really ...this sleeping in til 8 am is ridiculous!! Hope that you are feeling better about us cats...
    Your respectful and wary cat fb colleague... Tigger...

    1. Tig, for a cat you're okay. Not all cats are annoying, I must admit. Just a few drive me crazy online and off. Gordie and Bigfoot try my patience as do Rosie, Maggie and Daisy. That predator/prey instinct does get in the way of getting too close with felines but if I have to have a cat friend, you'd be one of them, Tigger. I like your style!

  4. Loup, I'm with you on the cats thing.

  5. The most irresistible dog I know surely deserves all the accolades there are. Popover to Award Time on my blog, Loup, and pick up yours *grin*
